Once the virus reaches the lungs, the lining can become irritated and inflamed. If the infection extensively progresses, the lower respiratory tract including the lungs will be further affected. Common symptoms include nasal congestion, runny nose, cough and sore throat presented along with low- to high-grade fever, chills, malaise or fatigue, headache and muscle ache. Infection begins to develop in the upper respiratory tract, even though the virus can travel down the airways. When SARS-CoV-2 enters into the body, it comes into contact with the mucous membranes that line the respiratory system. Regardless of the cause, these life-threatening symptoms urge an immediate medical attention and prompt treatment. However, the vast majority of children will not need further testing and will likely be found to have a normal heart.Aside from respiratory symptoms, COVID-19 can also cause chest discomfort, shortness of breath and breathing difficulties which appear to be similar to clinical manifestations of certain types of heart disease. The doctor might do other tests, such as an exercise stress test, ECG, or chest X-ray, or might send your child home with a Holter monitor to continuously record your child's heart rhythm as they go about their normal activities. The doctor will read an electrocardiogram (ECG ), a record of the electrical activity of your child’s heart, to determine whether a heart problem may be causing your child's symptoms. The paediatrician will listen to your child’s heart and ask questions about the circumstances that led to the chest pain, your child’s medical history, and the family medical history. What should I expect if my child visits JPUH for chest pain? Also, if there is a family history of “aortic dissection,” or tearing of the aorta, or of Marfan syndrome, an emergency evaluation is immediately needed. If the child complains of chest pain, and also has a fever, is sweating or having trouble breathing, or has a very rapid heart rate, is pale, or has severe pain like a ripping sensation, do not wait - get help immediately. The doctor will decide whether further tests are needed.

Make an appointment with your GP and explain what your child is experiencing. However, do not ignore chest pain in a child. In children, it’s unlikely that chest pain is caused by a heart problem. Understandably, when a child complains of chest pain, parents worry there is a problem with the heart. What should I do if my child has chest pain? Another cardiac cause of chest pain can be due to dissection, or tearing, of the aorta, the main artery that directs blood from the heart out to the body. They include pericarditis (an inflammation of the sac that surrounds the heart), myocarditis (a viral infection of the heart), arrhythmias (abnormal fast heart rhythms), or, very rarely, blockage or other problems with the coronary arteries (the tiny vessels that carry oxygenated blood to the heart tissue). Heart conditions that can cause chest pain in a child are very rare. Stress or anxiety may also bring on a feeling of chest pain. Some children will describe acid reflux (“heartburn”) as chest pain. Sometimes, a cold (upper respiratory infection) or persistent cough can cause soreness and pain in the chest area. Otherwise, treatment for the chest pain will be dependent upon the underlying cause of the pain. Typical chest wall pain is not treated with medications, although chest wall injuries and inflammation can respond to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications, such as ibuprofen.

Causes can include an infection or injury, such as from sports or a fall. There are also a variety of muscles and joints in the chest area that may be sore, inflamed or strained.

Injury to the ribs, sternum or other bones in the chest and back also can cause chest wall pain. We do not always know what causes chest wall pain, but it is typically associated with brief sharp pain that is worse with breathing in. “Chest wall” is a term for the structures that enclose and protect the lungs, including the ribs and sternum. The most common cause of chest pain in children and teenagers is chest wall pain. In most cases, chest pain in children and teenagers is not caused by a heart problem. What causes chest pain in children and teenagers?Ī variety of factors can cause a child or teenager to feel chest pain.